Favorite teacher

Mrs. Cauchon is my favorite teacher. She is my favorite teacher because she is very involved in the class and helps you when you need it. She lets you work outside the class and lets you be creative.


This picture could have been better. I feel like the light blue part of the sky is too bright. I also feel like it’s not blended well with the ground and the little gate thing. I do like how its saturated and the clouds look nice.

What every beginner should know

  1. ISO: Controls the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor to light, allowing you to adjust for different lighting conditions.
  2. Shutter Speed: Determines the length of time your camera’s sensor is exposed to light, affecting motion blur and freezing action.
  3. Aperture: Controls the size of the camera’s lens opening, affecting the depth of field and amount of light entering the lens.
  4. White Balance: Adjusts the color temperature of your photos to accurately represent the lighting conditions.
  5. Metering Mode: Determines how your camera measures and calculates exposure based on the light in a scene.
  6. Focus Mode: Allows you to choose between automatic or manual focus, giving you control over what to focus on in your shot.
  7. Shooting Mode: Determines how much control you have over settings like shutter speed and aperture, providing options like Manual, Aperture Priority, and Shutter Priority.
  8. Exposure Compensation: Allows you to manually adjust the brightness or darkness of your photos, compensating for tricky lighting situations.
  9. Image Format: Decides the file type used to save your photos, like JPEG or RAW, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
  10. Autofocus Points: Determines how many focal points your camera uses to achieve sharp focus, giving you control over which part of your frame is in focus.
  11. Drive Mode: Controls the number of continuous shots your camera can take in a row, useful for capturing fast-paced action.