Ted Talk

The ted talk was about a guy on the stage talking about all different types of photos. I really enjoyed watching the video and seeing all the different types of photos. I didn’t like that the quality was low but it’s not the videos fault so.

I think i got some idea’s out of the video, like now I can think more focused and doing one thing at a time like just at place at a time.

PS.I don’t like writing so ik its bad 🙁

Flash worksheet

1.When would you use external flash? When your shooting in a dark place

2.Do you need to meter the light if you use flash? No

3.What does flash synchronization mean? When the camera takes a picture the flash flashes

4.What does ETTL mean? Evaluative through the lens

5.What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed? half of the image will be dark and the other half will be bright

6.Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser? to soften the light

7.What is a slave? when you take a picture the other flashes go off aswell

8.What should you do if your image comes out too dark or too light? Use a faster shutter speed to decrease the amount of time the sensor is exposed to light.